Another new town to add to my portfolio - a visit on a dull day to Bracknell in what used to be the County of Berkshire. Bracknell was designated a new town in 1949 so is one of the later ones. Like Crawley the church is the existing village church (built 1851) although locked when I called. Unlike Crawley the old high street was pedestrianised and made the main thoroughfare of the town centre.
There are a few old inns although I didn't take any refreshment there, including one with a milestone outside showing 28 miles to London and 11 miles to Reading (pronounced to rhyme with beading by the railway information person on Waterloo Station).

The town had a quiet dignity about the main town centre and a fine historic former co-op store. There was a fountain which told the time every five minutes, although I watched it and I wasn't sure when it was in its time telling phase, also some of the jets were not working.

There were some fine sculptures and murals, good charity shops and a good library which gave me the location of the former co-op store: CRS so maybe formerly LCS. I didn't see any of the residential areas of the town but the town looked fine.
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